Australia Sports Innovation Week 2023: Highlighting the ever-growing need for sport and mental health to develop better strategies and support for athletes


(Brisbane, QLD – July 21, 2023) – The vital importance of providing mental health strategies and support has achieved a greater level of recognition than ever before. Sport in particular is a proven enabler to educate and influence social change and progress.

The Australian Institute for Sport (AIS) Mental Health Audit showed 50% of athletes polled sought treatment in 2022, compared to just 39 % of participants in 2018.

“There is an ever-growing need for sport and mental health to develop better strategies & support,” said Matt Berriman, Chair of Mental Health Australia, who will be presenting this topic at the Australia Sports Tech Conference.

“Growing up in Wodonga, making the move to Melbourne in pursuit of my passion for cricket and a professional career in sport, the recognition of mental health was non-existent, yet we now are aware that 25% of athletes have recently experienced anxiety or depression.”

“Now, with the responsibility as Chair of Mental Health Australia, we want to embrace and lead the progress within sport where 61% of support staff and coaches shared that their sport setting is a safe place to disclose mental health problems.”

“We agree that while it’s great to see the stigma about mental health improving across the sector, more support is needed in the prevention space. This is where sport plays a vital role and environment for education and support.”

Information for the Australia Sports Tech Conference in Brisbane on Thursday 31st August is available:



Media contacts:

STWS, Andrew Walton: | +61 417 814 281