Short Description
AI-driven automated and enhanced audio tools
Company Summary

At Salsa Sound we are passionate about providing tools to enable sports content creators to produce high-quality audio experiences to better engage with fans. Whether it is a sports club/federation looking to drive more fans to their digital platforms or a broadcaster looking to produce higher quality, more cost-efficient content, we provide the tools.

Our automatic audio production tools are built upon a patented AI framework and enable more immersive, more engaging bespoke content to be produced at a fraction of the cost.

What's Exciting

Our AI-driven mixer automatically mixes and enhances the sound from pitch-side microphones so all of the important on-field sounds are picked up and present in the mix for a dynamic and engaging audio mix for broadcast content.

We also work with e.g. Premier League clubs to bring a Fan Experience that helps unite their growing global fanbase by providing an immserive sound experience of being on the Front Row of the stadium. Coupled with our automatic and enhanced on-pitch mix, this is truly the best way to listen to live sports!

Media and Broadcast
AI (Artificial Intelligence), OTT
Sports Tag
Football (Soccer)
Notable Clients

Confidential but includes Premier League clubs and international broadcasters

Head Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom
Year Established
Company E-mail
Company Contact
*Office Use Only
Contact Name
Rob Oldfield
Contact Job Title
Contact Email
Contact Phone