Short Description
Surf, bike, snow P2P gear rental marketplace!
Company Summary
Quipmo is the surf, bike, and snow peer to peer gear rental marketplace for like-minded travellers and locals who share a passion for adventure!
Quipmo provides a way for people to hire gear when they want it – Equipment for the Moment!
What's Exciting
Quipmo has:
1) listings in 18 countries including coverage right across Australia;
2) has 1800+ listings on the platform including roughly 70% growth in 2019;
3) circa 65,000 social followers;
4) 11 major strategic partnerships; and
5) Customers that include hire businesses, shops, charities, and individuals
Fan and Sponsor Engagement
Sports Tag
Notable Clients
Cycling New Zealand, Association of Professional Bodyboarding, Disabled Wintersport Australia
Head Office Location
Perth, Australia
Year Established
Company Website
Company E-mail
Company Contact
*Office Use OnlyContact Name
Chris Evans
Contact Job Title
Founder & CEO
Contact Email
Contact Phone