Short Description
Connecting grass roots sports in local areas.
Company Summary

Find a Player delivers sports in the same way Uber provides cabs or JustEat delivers food – instantly and on demand.

Our vision is to give everyone the access to sports and activities they want, whenever they need it and wherever they are in the world.

Our platform delivers the following functionality.

Search and find – Games, players, teams, facilities.
Full integrated game automation and admin.
Group payment collection.
Group chat, Direct messaging and notifications.
Live map based browsing.

What's Exciting

With limited resources we have managed to deliver a class leading product which has won numerous global product awards.

These include –

Winner – Puma ‘Innovation in Football’ Global Competition.
Winner – Best App – Yahoo SportsTech Startup Awards
Winner – Best Sports Startup UK – KPMG SportsTech World Series
Winner – Best App – UK Sports Technology Awards (beating Arsenal, British Rowing, the NY Marathon and German FA in the final)
Winner – Startup and Share – Innovators magazine, Global Game Changers awards

We are currently in discussions with numerous global brands and organisations around partnership however our intention is very much to build our own brand and scale our product globally now that our product is the shape it needs to be.

Athlete, Team and Event Management
Grassroots / Youth, Marketplace
Sports Tag
Notable Clients

Under NDA – confidential until launched.

Head Office Location
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Year Established
Company Website
Company E-mail
Company Contact
*Office Use Only
Contact Name
Jim Law
Contact Job Title
Contact Email
Contact Phone