Short Description
Altitude sleeping and training environments
Company Summary

Box Altitude has become a front-runner in the high-performance altitude space. With our sleek design matched with high-end technology, we have redesigned altitude sleeping and training equipment to ensure more comfort for the user, with monitoring technology that can be controlled remotely by an app. Box Altitude services both residential and commercial environments, offering a range of systems from portable and personal use, through to large rooms in sporting facilities.

What's Exciting

We are currently working on some exciting new features for our app, some of which we can’t mention here as they are works in progress ;). One of the new updates will be a scheduling feature, which enables the user to schedule their altitude system to reach altitude at any desired time of day. We are also working on making the set-up of our systems even more user-friendly.

Athlete Performance or Tracking
Health / Med Tech
Sports Tag
Notable Clients

Victorian Institute of Sport, Athletics Australia, New South Wales institute of Sport, AIS track cycling team

Head Office Location
Melbourne, Australia
Year Established
Company E-mail
Company Contact
*Office Use Only
Contact Name
Rico Rogers
Contact Job Title
Founder Director
Contact Phone