We’re excited to launch the Sports Tech Booster Pack, a digital package of benefits designed to assist early-stage startups (<10 employees) and fast-growth companies (10-100 employees) at the intersection of Sports Technology, Sports Data and Sports Digital.
We all know the immense value of industry conferences in connecting with the right people and developing your knowledge, especially if you’re the Founder of an early-stage company. But we also know that the Founders of these young companies, as busy entrepreneurs and business leaders, don’t always have the time or resources to be there in person. This is especially true in 2020 where we’re facing the unique challenge of travel bans and major industry events being cancelled under the threat of a COVID-19 pandemic.
So how do you grow your business if you can’t be out there meeting people and definitely not out there shaking hands?
Through the Booster Pack, Founders and young companies from anywhere in the world can tap into the global network and expertise of the Sports Tech World Series to increase client leads, find partners and raise the visibility of their product or service. All through an easily accessible online package.
Booster Pack Benefits
1. Global Directory: Featured listing on the Sports Tech Global Directory. An online resource of the world’s top sports tech companies utilised by Teams, Leagues and Federations. Publishing you alongside leaders in the industry and helping establish yourself amongst your peers.
2. Online Promotion: Showcase promotion post of your company to the entire Sports Tech World Series community across all social media platforms (15,000+ followers) to get the community familiar with who you are and what you’re bringing to the table.
3. Mentoring Session: Personal 1-on-1 mentoring and coaching session with an expert in Sports Technology & Sports Innovation. Get quality advice from a Sports Tech World Series industry expert for the areas that you think are most crucial to your future growth.
4. Industry Learning: Learn from those established in the industry with access to audio recordings from speaker presentations at past & upcoming Sports Tech World Series events.
You can learn more and register via the website:
The Sports Tech World Series Team