Australia Sports Innovation Week 2023: The Intersection of Technology and Quality of Life in Sports
(Brisbane, QLD – August 10, 2023) – Jacob Darkin entered an unexpected path of self-discovery after a spinal cord injury in 2019 that resulted in nine months of recovery in a hospital bed.
“It was during this time of reflection that I became determined to embrace assistive technology and spark a discussion, pushing for action to uncover a better quality of life,” said Jacob.
“My learnings extended from quality of life generally into a focus on sport, as many key advancements from medical technology have improved performance and quality of life for athletes.”
Jacob’s presentation at the Australia Sports Tech Conference 2023 on the “Intersection of Technology with Quality of Life” covers how tech has been used to improve sports from performance enhancement to injury prevention and recovery. It also highlights the importance of inclusivity in sports and how technology plays a role in this.
“It is essential that for true inclusivity that we embrace the importance of collaboration and partnerships in sports technology innovation. I hope to highlight the role of various stakeholders, including tech companies, sports organisations, and athletes themselves in this valuable work.”
Information for the Australia Sports Tech Conference in Brisbane on Thursday 31st August is available:
Media contacts:
STWS, Andrew Walton: | +61 417 814 281
Jacob Darkin